Monday, February 6, 2017

Malaysia Diaries - Day 9 - Langkawi to Singapore

Our wake up call in Langkawi was at 6 am but Sereen was up at 3:30 am so we didn't need any additional help in waking up. We finished packing and left our room at 6:30 am. At checkout, we were given packed breakfast to go so that we could eat on our way to the airport. We had the chicken sandwiches and croissants in the taxi after leaving the hotel at 7 am. Then we had our packed fruit platter while sitting at the gate. The flight departed a few minutes late but after a flying time of almost one and half hours during which we ate hot chicken pockets and changed Sereen's diaper, the pilot made up for the delay and we landed in Singapore a few minutes earlier than the scheduled arrival time. Our pilot was the same one who had flown our flight from Kuala Lumpur to Penang a few days ago as well. He gave us a tour of the islands as we passed by them. We knew he was the same pilot because of his unmistakable American accent and a local name.

The Changi airport of Singapore is super organized and thoroughly impressed us. From baby change tables in the male washroom to super fast ATM machines to organized taxi dispatching system, this has to be the most advanced and baby friendly airport we've seen. We took a taxi to our hotel InterContinental and after checking in, reached our room a little after noon. We had the remaining croissants, chicken sandwiches and pastries and then decided to relax and took a nap for a few hours. After we woke up, Samia was starting to get a migraine from not having had a proper meal so we ordered room service. We shared chicken satay skewers and fried rice with chicken and both were delicious. Then we gave Sereen a bath and got ready.

We left the hotel at 8:30 pm and took a taxi to the Singapore Zoo for the famous Night Safari. The taxi ride was almost half an hour as we were traveling to the other end of this small city-state/country. We reached the safari around 9 pm and decided to have dinner at a burger cafe before the two main things we wanted to do. The burgers were quite good for a tourist attraction food joint but on the pricey side. We saw a fire dancers show while having our dinner. Then at 9:30 pm, we saw the "Creatures of the Night" show. It was way past Sereen's self-appointed bedtime but she was refusing to sleep and was in great spirits. She really enjoyed the outdoor setting with a decent level of humidity in the air and perfect Goldilocks temperature of not too warm, not too hot, just right.

In the creatures of the night show, we saw owls, raccoons, an otter, a spotted hyena, African serval and a giant python. It was a captivating twenty minute show with great messages of conservation and recycling for the kids and adults alike. The highlight perhaps was the African serval (that looks like a Cheetah) jumping almost 15 feet high to catch its prey. After the show, we got on the safari tram that was a 45 minute ride through the park with scores of animals on display in habitats closely resembling their natural environments. The most notable ones were elephants, lions, Malay tigers, several species of deer, hyenas, wolves, zebras and hippopotamuses. It was past 10 pm but Sereen was still awake and chattering away.

If we had more time, we would've done the walking trails but it was quite late for our little queen so we decided to head back to the hotel. We took a taxi back to our hotel. Before leaving, we had applied a smidgen of mosquito repellent on Sereen's cheeks and arms so we didn't want her to sleep like that. We gave her another bath and to make sure that we didn't have any traces of the mosquito repellent on our bodies, we also took turns taking showers. We went to bed around 1 am after a tiring travel day. The temperatures in our four days in Singapore are forecast to be the highest of our trip with thundershowers expected as well so we will coordinate our sightseeing such that during the daytime we are indoors. Till the next update, take care!

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