Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Malaysia Diaries - Day 3 - Kuala Lumpur

There was rain forecast for the day so after waking up, getting ready and having breakfast, we took a taxi to Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square, locally called Merdeka Square. This large square is the colonial focal point of Kuala Lumpur. Located in the heart of the colonial district, this vast rectangular grassy square once hosted cricket matches and parades. Surrounded by the mock-Tudor Royal Selangor Club, the National Music Museum, Saint Mary's Cathedral, and the Sultan Abdul Samad Building, the square offers a rare glimpse into the city's past. The building that stands out the most is the Sultan Abdul Samad Building with its Moorish architecture and red dome. It was in this square that the British Union Jack flag was lowered when Malaysia became an independent country in 1957.

After checking out Merdeka Square, we decided to walk to the nearby Jamak Mosque. Pedestrian sidewalks are already a bit difficult to manage with Sereen's strollers since they don't always have a ramp but due to some construction going on in the area, we had an even tougher time maneuvering our way. The rain got heavier which didn't help. Thankfully we have invested in a quality stroller that came with a rain cover so Sereen was well protected. Once we got closer to the mosque, we found out that it was closed for renovation. We continued walking to the nearby Central Market which is indoors so it was a much needed respite from the rain.

The Central Market used to be a fresh produce market but now it's a shopping mall where ethnic arts and crafts are sold. At the Central Market, we explored different shops with souvenirs and were close to buying some stuff when Sereen started crying so we had to abandon the deal and take care of her. We sat down at a Malaysian chain cafe called Old Town White Coffee and tried their specialty iced white coffee and Malaysia's national dish Nasi Lemak. After this break, we resumed shopping and bought some souvenirs. Then we took a taxi to the Petronas Twin Towers. Taxi drivers not turning on the meter and overcharging is an issue in Malaysia so to get a metered taxi, you usually have to pay a small fee to an agent who then hails a metered taxi for you. This time we didn't get a metered one so the taxi driver tried to sell us on additional stops on the way that we politely declined. He couldn't drop us off at the regular taxi entrance either and dropped us off in front of the side entrance. That worked to our advantage since we were in front of the Petronas Towers and decided to take some pictures before going inside.

It was extremely humid and the temperature was 35 degrees Celsius. Our Canadian baby wasn't impressed and her usual smile was missing from the posing pictures. After a few minutes, Sereen started crying because of the heat so we decided to not push our luck and hurried inside in the air conditioned Suria mall located in the Petronas Towers. We picked up our tickets for going to the top of the Petronas Towers and then did window shopping since there was still some time to go before our slot. Strollers and bags were not allowed to go up so Sereen rested in her baby carrier facing outward in her daddy's lap. She loves being in the baby carrier and enjoys gnawing any parts of it that her mouth can reach. First we went up to the sky bridge which is a covered bridge connecting the two towers. We took in some great views of the Kuala Lumpur skyline and snapped a few pictures in our allotted 15 minutes. Great for me that the bridge is covered on all sides so my phobia of heights didn't set in too much. Then we took the elevator to the top of the first tower. The views were even more breath taking from the highest vantage point in the city but owing my fear of heights, I could only push myself to see a little bit. Samia enjoyed it more than I did, having no such fears.

Then we came down to the food court of the Suria Mall and tried some more of the local Malaysian specialties for dinner - Beef Rendang with rice and curry puff, a crispier version of the samosa. After dinner, we went down to the KLCC Park that's adjacent to the Petronas Towers. Originally, we had planned to stay till 8 pm to watch the fountain show but it was way too hot and we read a few reviews online that it's not an attraction for which you should wait. Having seen the spectacular fountain show outside the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas, it wasn't going to be a novel experience for us anyway so we decided to leave around 7 pm. Then we took a taxi back to our hotel and called it a day and went to bed early. Till the next update, take care!

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