Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Italy Diaries - Day 20 - London to Calgary

On our last day of the trip, we woke up at 8 am and had in-room coffee. We finalized our packing, got ready and checked out around 10 am. We took a taxi to the London Bridge station where we bought peri peri chicken wraps before boarding the 10:42 am train to Gatwick airport. We ate our sandwiches during the train ride. After reaching the airport, we dropped off our bags, passed through security and waited in a lounge.

WestJet airlines had emailed us a few days back that they had changed the time of the fight from a departure of 11:15 am to 1:15 pm. When we checked-in, we found out that the flight was further delayed by 20 minutes. After everyone had boarded the aircraft by 1:35 pm, the pilot announced that the airport had suspended all activity because of a passing thunderstorm. Even after the weather had cleared up, we couldn't take off for another couple of hours. That meant that we sat in the plane for exactly three hours before it took off! Our total journey ended up being close to 12 hours instead of the scheduled 9 hours.

During the flight, we were quite hungry by the time the purchase-only dinner service started so we purchased three main courses instead of two. The cabin service was quite efficient with several rounds of complimentary beverages. Towards the end of the flight, we also bought a cheese tray for snacking. Overall, it was a comfortable flight. We slept for an hour at the start of the flight and another hour towards the end of the flight. During the rest of the flight - between meal, beverage, washroom and stretching breaks - Samia watched a couple of movies on her phone while I wrote the three updates for London that I hadn't had a chance to write earlier during the trip.

Our flight landed in Calgary at around 6:45 pm local time. We got a ride from Sarim to our home. On our way home, we stopped at a burger joint to have dinner. After reaching home, we did unpacking and laundry. It's back to work for me in the morning whereas Samia has some more days off till the weekend for resting. Hope you enjoyed reading the updates. Till our next travel adventure, take care and ciao!

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