Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Peru Diaries - Day 7 - NYE in Chivay

Sorry for the delay in sending this update. We didn't have internet for the last two days.

Day 7 (Tuesday) was another early morning start. We woke up at 5 am in our hotel in Puno, got ready and had a quick breakfast. Then our bus picked us up around 6 am. The bus picked up a few other people and then set off for Chivay.

Chivay is a small town surrounded by mountains on all sides. Our drive from Puno to Chivay was 6 hours long. We made a few stops to see flamingos, llamas, alpacas, vicuñas (pronounced why-koonya) and volcanoes. The viewpoint to see the volcano mountains was the highest point of our entire trip at an altitude of 4910 meters.

After reaching our hotel around 1 pm, we rested for a while. This hotel was part of the tour package for day 7 and 8 so we didn't really know much about it as we hadn't booked it ourselves. It was nice as far as architecture was concerned but we had three issues with it - they didn't have internet, none of the staff spoke or understood English and the location was a little away from the downtown. We told the tour company about these issues and they tried to compensate by giving us special treatment. They took us to a buffet lunch that wasn't too great and all we could eat was things made with potatoes - potato/veggie tempura, French fries and potato lasagna. We had initially planned to go to an optional tour of the nearby hot springs at 4 pm but then we decided to stay in our room and watch a few episodes of Friends (on one of the few English channels on TV) and get some rest.

We asked our tour guide to take us to the New Year's Eve celebration dinner. They picked us up at 10 pm and we went for dinner. It was a lot of fun. We ordered vegetarian food and enjoyed the folk songs and dances performed by local musicians and actors. We made a video of a folk dance that narrates a very funny story about a thief and a girl. After having dinner, we left around 11:10 pm since we needed to get sleep for the 7 am start for the next day. We took a cab and went to bed. We were woken up by fireworks around midnight and surprisingly, they were on quite a large scale, definitely bigger than that fireworks we saw in Calgary for the previous New Year's Eve.

That was the end of a rather quiet day where the highlights were getting to see the animals during our bus ride and the folk dances at the restaurant.

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