Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Europe Diaries - Day 20 - Lisbon to Calgary

After taking a nap for a few hours, we woke up at 2 am, got ready, checked-out and took the waiting taxi to the Lisbon airport. We were at the airport by 3:10 am. Most things were closed and only KLM's counters were open. We dropped off our bags - both weighed exactly 23.0 kg and included all the souvenirs and fridge magnets of all the cities that we visited on the trip. We passed through security and just waited for boarding to start since there wasn't anything else to do. Boarding started at 4:30 am and the flight took off on time at 5 am Lisbon time or 10 pm of the previous day in Calgary. To get rid of jet lag, we started following Calgary's time after boarding this Lisbon to Amsterdam flight. Since it was bedtime in Calgary, we tried sleeping through most of the 3 hour flight.

Our layover at Amsterdam's Schiphol's airport was 3.5 hours so we window shopped at duty free stores and had breakfast/lunch - vegetable stromboli, cheese panini, orange juice and cappuccino. Then we walked from the domestic section D for about 15 minutes to our gate in the international section F. On our way, we passed through passport control and got the exit stamps to officially mark our farewell to Europe.

At Schiphol airport, for international flights, there are security checkpoints at every gate and there was a huge lineup outside our gate which meant that it was going to be a full flight. It took us about 40 minutes to wait for our turn to pass through security and then we were finally on board. The flight took off on time at 4:30 am Calgary time. I slept for half an hour and since waking up, both of us haven't slept and it's almost 8:30 pm as I write this. KLM takes great care of its passengers and once again, we had several snacks, one meal and several rounds of beverages. We made sure to choose something caffeinated each time so that we could remain awake. For passing time, we saw two movies - American Hustle and 12 Years A Slave. Both of them were short listed for the Oscar awards and both are good in their own right. After the movies, there was about 1 hour left in reaching Calgary so I watched sitcoms (Family Guy and The Big Bang Theory) while Samia watched a documentary of The Lourve Museum. The 9 hour flight passed by quite comfortably.

After a very smooth landing in Calgary at 1:20 pm, we walked to passport control and after a swift clearance, we collected our suitcases and headed out. Sohaib uncle was waiting for us and he gave us a ride. We reached home at 2:40 pm. At home, we continued talking to Sohaib uncle for a little while and during this time Sarim also dropped by. Samia printed lecture slides and case studies for her MBA Marketing course and started studying. Sohaib uncle left to pick up Hani from squash and Sarim also had to leave for his own squash match.

After dropping off Samia at her 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Marketing class, I got stuck in the rush hour so the 15 minute drive back home took half an hour. I did unpacking and laundry for almost one and a half hours and then went to Samia's parents' place to pick up food that Samia's mummy has prepared for us :) I started writing this final update as I was parked outside Samia's university to pick her up and I'm finishing it at home. Now we'll have dinner and then go to bed. Back to the daily grind from tomorrow!

Till the next time we hit the road, adios! Take care and good night.

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